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mikser festival

abiocenal skin

Abiocenal skin02.jpg

location: Belgrade


year: 2019


The product is designed in the way that it can be easily connected and used. The parts of the product are very simply designed. The idea is that the user itself is able to connect the parts in the way it should, or in the way the user needs. There are no solid connections, and not only that it gives the opportunity to the user to connect the product on his own way, it gives the opportunity to the producer to reduce the process of making the final product completely. The reduction of the process of making the product, reduces the time and energy spend by the producer in this process. Reducing the energy in the process of making is also environmentally sustainable. 

The life of the materials after their usness in the product is the thing that attention has to be paid. In the particular project, all the materials used can be recycled or reused in the other kind of way. All the materials are organic and free of the synthetical product origin. In the process of making, the energy used is reduced by using the organic products. For the producers, beside the reduce of energy, the time is reduced as well in the process of making, because there is no need of making the product in full. Chosen materials give the ability of reducing the production waste, as well. The process of recycling the material gives the same benefits. Because the materials are organic, natural and vegan, the ability of recycling is large. The materials can be decomposed and used for the fertilization, or as other organic material product in the second process of making.  

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